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4 best practices of IT monitoring to enter the era of Smart Monitoring

Blog 4 best practices of IT monitoring to enter the era of Smart Monitoring

The 4 Best practices of IT monitoring to enter the era of Smart Monitoring:

You’ve probably heard about dystopian novels, such as The Handmaid’s Tale, which propel the hero into an alternative reality or future? Let’s do the same with monitoring and take a leap in time. Let’s imagine what vision of our current IT practices our children might have. For a moment, let’s imagine what we could say to our son or daughter who has just graduated from an IT engineering school in 2030, if we had to explain what it was like before… before Smart Monitoring, before refocusing I&O on the customer experience and before adapting IT to Business… Read this blog post to learn more.

Download your ebook: “Customer experience, the new challenge of Smart Monitoring”.
A 32 page ebook including nearly 15 testimonials from companies operating innovative IT monitoring, to understand the challenges, best practices, and perspectives of IT monitoring in support of the customer experience.


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