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New Centreon Advanced partner: Lolokai Conseil

Newsroom New Centreon Advanced partner: Lolokai Conseil

Centreon is happy to announce that Lolokai Conseil becomes a Centreon Advanced Partner.

By obtaining its Centreon EMS certification, Lolokai Conseil joins the official Centreon partner club.

As an IT monitoring expert, Lolokai Conseil provides high added value IT Monitoring services in Europa and also Indian Ocean. The company implements the Centreon EMS solution in companies operating in industries like retail, banking, cloud computing, public sector.

In the same time, Lolokai Conseil CTO is co-author of the book: Centreon – Maîtrisez la supervision de votre Système d’Information

Follow Lolokai Conseil on Twitter: @lolokaiconseil

Contact us to learn more about our Partnership Program.


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